Kelp Powder
This product does not have any addition
1. Kelp Pure Powder, Super grade
Botanical Source: Laminaria japonica Aresch
Description: Fine light green powder,
Particle size: 90% through 80 mesh
Carries/Excipients used: None
Aroma: Characte

Kelp Powder
1. Kelp Pure Powder, Super grade
Botanical Source: Laminaria japonica Aresch
Description: Fine light green powder,
Particle size: 90% through 80 mesh
Carries/Excipients used: None
Aroma: Characteristic odor of kelp
Taste: Characteristic light fresh sweet taste of kelp
Moisture (105 ºC, 2 h): NMT 10.0%
Lead: NMT 3 ppm
Arsenic: NMT 2 ppm
Mercury: NMT 0.5 ppm
Total plate count: NMT 100,000 cfu/g
Yeast & Mold: NMT 1,000 cfu/g
E. Coli: Negative
Salmonella: Negative
Kelp Pure Powder, Common grade
Botanical Source: Laminaria japonica Aresch
Description: Fine grey brown powder
Particle size: 90% through 80 mesh
Carries/Excipients used: None
Moisture (105 ºC, 2 h): NMT 8.0%
Ash: NMT 9.0%
Lead: NMT 10 ppm
Arsenic: NMT 10 ppm
Total plate count: NMT 100,000 cfu/g
Yeast & Mold: NMT 1,000 cfu/g
E. Coli: Negative
Salmonella: Negative
Both grades of kelp powder can used in food application, super grade is often used in nutrition supplements.
Grade I kelp powder can be used in food applications.
Special grade is often used in nutritional supplements.
Kelp is rich in natural vitamins and minerals, including essential trace minerals.Kelp relies on the sea for its nutrients
-- an excellent resource because the sea stores all the minerals that have washed down from the land over thousands
of years.The plant can grow up to two feet a day, and the whole plant is used medicinally.
1. Kelp is a source of nutrients used to promote healthy glandular function, especially thyroid function.
2. Kelp is particularly rich in iodine, which is essential for normal gland function.So if weight gain is directly linked to
thyroid disease, kelp may help with weight loss.
3. Kelp also helps to promote digestion, stimulate kidney function, promote blood circulation and purify blood.